Warner recently issued volume four of its Purcell Edition,
effecting the re-release of two of Christopher's Decca L'Oiseau-Lyre
recordings. The first, from 1979, comprises the Ten Sonatas in Four
Parts, and features Catherine Mackintosh, Monica Huggett and Christophe
Coin. The second is the 1994 recording of the Twelve Sonatas of Three
Parts with Pavlo Beznosiuk, Rachel Podger and Christophe Coin. Three
further CDs complete the five-disc set with recordings of other
instrumental music performed by Harnoncourt, Leonhardt, Gardiner and
Also re-issued recently are Vivaldi's Op. 1 Trio Sonatas (Nos VII-XII) with L'Arte dell'Arco for Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, as well as two recordings with Academy of Ancient Music for Decca L'Oiseau-Lyre: Mozart's Serenades 9 (Posthorn) and 13 (Eine kleine Nachtmusik) and various Christmas Concertos.