The database contains a host of interesting information relating to Geminiani: items relating to concerts of his music; the publication and sale of his works; and the sale of his own collection of art-works. It even includes some real curiosities, such as a poem published in The Daily Advertiser by an admirer listed only as 'L', proclaiming of Geminiani: "How seldom Genius’s, like Thine, arise! When lent by Heaven, how greatly should we prize!". One can also read about the grand Charles Clay musical clock known as The Temple of the Four Grand Monarchies of the World which played music by Geminiani, Handel and Corelli.
To navigate the database one can search by general text, opus, category, language, or alternatively browse the entire list chronologically. Any comments and corrections would be greatly appreciated and can be sent to hogwood.
We hope that this database will be a valuable tool for all those involved in Geminiani research and will aid the ongoing publication of the complete works of Francesco Geminiani. With thanks to Jonathan Dwerryhouse for his design work, and the input of Ryan Mark, Peter Holman, Richard Maunder and Rudolf Rasch.