Christopher has been selected as this year's recipient of the Honorary Handel Prize from the City of Halle (Saale), in Germany. The award recognizes Christopher's unique contribution to the understanding of the life and works of George Friedrich Handel. Christopher's Handel projects for 2007 included rare concert performances of the opera Amadigi, the publication of an important edition of Handel's 8 Suites for keyboard HWV426-433 (adapted by Gottlieb Muffatt), and the release of a revised version of Christopher's classic biography of Handel. Projects in 2008 include performances of Flavio with the Academy of Ancient Music, an edition of the Musick for the Royal Fireworks, and also Handel's 6 Fugues for keyboard (adapted by Gottlieb Muffatt). This year also sees the publication of Christopher's paper, on Handel's use of timpani and percussion, from the Michaelstein Conference.