Together these collections constitute C.P.E. Bach's largest-scale publishing venture and the preparation and sales (it was a 'Selbstverlag' operation) occupied much of his energy for the final ten years of his life.
These collections have now appeared in two volumes (CPEB:CW Series I, vols 4.1 and 4.2) at the amazingly low price of $20 (£12.50) a volume (thanks to the support and subvention of the Packard Humanities Institute — would that more complete editions had such enlightened patronage).
In them you can find a mixture of Bach's most famous sonatas, rondos and fantasies suitable for both the clavichord and the forte-piano (and one alternative rondo movement included in the collection for the first time).
The aim of the edition as a whole is to have the complete works in print (some 109 volumes) by 2014, the 300th anniversary of Bach’s birth.

(University of Michigan, Music Library, M23 B12 S55)
Click here to read an article from on why it is so important to be celebrating C.P.E. Bach, and how this publication facilitates that celebration.